
Thursday, November 1, 2012

News and Tunes

Everyday when I roll out of bed, the very first thought that pops into my head is how fortunate I am, for many reasons.  I am truly living my dream each day, thanks to loyal clients, friends and family around me.  Most of all, I am thankful to my husband who believed in me and my passion for Spinning to help me open this new business.  The phrase that pushed me past my fears: "with no risk, there is no reward". 

With that being said, we are into our 6 month of business (woohoo!) and while we are trying to have a consistent schedule, we are making little tweaks to better accommodate our clients.  Each month we welcome more and more people and far exceed our expectations.  Thank you!

Here are some minor changes that you might make note of:

Sunday, 10am Powerhouse Spin is now taught by Angela
            Sunday, 4:30pm with Sarah is now Spinning (goodbye Spin Fusion)
            Thursday, 6:00pm with Gail is Powerhouse Spin (goodbye Barre)
            Begin to Spin is now once a month and FREE to first time SCS clients.  Tell your friends,     family and coworkers!
            FREE class on 11/14, 4:15pm to support Lyndsay during her instructor audition.  Sign up online.
            RACE DAY, 11/28, 5:30pm

Race Day is your chance to test yourself; to put everything you’ve learned through all those weeks of training on the table. Are you up for the challenge?
The Race Day Energy Zone is a celebration, an opportunity to apply the consistent training you’ve been practicing in the studio to a peak performance effort. This means that you should take every measure to ensure that you are both physically and mentally ready for such a challenge when the day comes. The RDEZ is not to be taken lightly; it requires complete focus, dedication and undeniable desire.
A Race Day ride can help you effectively measure and quantify your goal setting as it relates to
your Spinning or cycling training plan.

We also have some great Thanksgiving holiday rides planned that are ready for your reservation!
             Thanksgiving, 8am Spinning
             Thanksgiving, 9am Spinning - FULL            
             Black Friday, 8:15 Spinning
             Black Friday, 9:30 Spin Fit

We will be offering discounts for the month of December and some giveaways on Black Friday!!  Stop on by after your shopping.

Follow us on facebook for more updates and news!

Some music I have been loving lately:

Global Concepts, Robert DeLong
Hall of Fame,
Save the World, Swedish House Mafia
Black White and Blue, Ladyhawke
R.I.P., Rita Ora
Summerlong, Xylos

I am on Spotify where you can view all of my playlists.