
Friday, December 17, 2010

Pay it Forward Friday!

I posted a few days ago about the Ride2Recovery fundraising event that I am participating in and organizing again next February:

I will most likely post this over and over again until you get so sick of reading about it that you will either;
a) unsubsribe to my blog (please don't!!!)
b) decide to participate with us (yay!)
c) donate (super yay!)

It just so happens that "Celebrity" Jeopardy has been on television during my lunch hour.  The "celebrities" all pick a charity and they all get pretty nice checks to donate to them depending on how they do in the show.  I loooooove Jeopardy and I feel especially intelligent against these folks because of categories like, "Pick a Number between 3 and 5".  Okay, that was obviously a lame joke, but seriously, the answers are so much easier during this week.

How are you paying it forward?

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