
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I am a winner!!!

Remember a few weeks ago I blogged about entering a profile contest through ( ? 

Well....I won!!!!!  My profile was chosen to be featured in one of the Spin Monthly Member Profile e-mails!!  I don't know how many were entered, but its very flattering that the best of the best in my profession recognized my hard work.  I also got a little $10 off coupon for being chosen. 

If these terms are not familiar to you, a profile is basically your ride that you create.  You have to keep in mind, maximum heart rate percentages, RPM's, music, time, etc. to make a good profile. 

As soon as I get my email with my profile featured, I will post it on here for you guys so you can take a look.



  1. Congrats!! It's always fun when you work hard on something and people take notice and appreciate it. Now, what to do with those $10....?

  2. Ha,ha @ Lisa! I was so excited to see that email this morning : )
